German-born Susanne Junker has practiced self-observation since teenage years and used her meiotic exposure to break down the preconceived notions of her then-job as a model in the 1990s, and her own struggle with what she describes as "24/7 perfectionism".
“The 1990s were the era of glamorous supermodels selling their perfect physical appearance. Beauty standards were mostly set by male photographers — the shooting of female bodies and the male gaze remained dominant in society. After working in the industry for several years, those rigid norms became unbearable to me. By 1995 they compelled me to shift from object to author. I captured my unadorned self, using an analogue camera with roll film, adopting different personas, expressing authenticity — anger, boredom, and wittiness — through my self-created images. This conscious decision opened a long path to my self-appropriation”.
Her work explores the concept of identity in a visually driven world: a keen observer of pop culture and social media, she has long questioned the representation of women in the media. In her practice, her own face and body often become a tool to confront beauty standards, gender role stereotypes and ageism through self-appropriation and a feminist perspective.
From 2008 to 2013, Susanne Junker founded and directed stage候台BACK, an artist-run space for experimental projects in Shanghai, China.
From 2018 - 2022, Susanne taught as a guest lecturer a photography course titled: "Researching Identity" at the China Academy of Art (CAA) in Shanghai and Hangzhou, China.
Susanne Junker lives and works in Paris, France.
© SusanneJunker 2025